• Date and Time: August 5-9, 2013 (1:00-5:00 pm)
  • Venue: San Jose Korean Presbyterian Church (770 Lucerne Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94085)
  • Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Slogan: My Story, Your Story & Korean History!
  • Target age: 5th grade and above (based on the 2013-2014 school year)
  • Fee: $220 for early registration, $250 for normal (textbooks and materials are included)
  • Early Registration Deadline: May 18, 2013



  • To enhance and empower students to understand Korean culture and history by providing an enjoyable and age-appropriate activity-centered summer camp
  • To encourage children to become excellent global citizens in sharing Korean culture to others



  • To provide opportunities for learning and understanding Korean history and culture for secondary school students in English.
  • To raise awareness of Korean and American culture through cross-cultural comparisons
  • To provide the students with the opportunity to enjoy the summer vacation and develop life-long relationship and necessary social skills through working and learning with fellow classmates.
  • To develop and demonstrate strong personal communication and leadership skills.


Goals of the Camp

Upon completing the camp, the student will…

  • be able to name the Korean historical eras
  • have a deeper knowledge on how people lived in each period
  • better understand how Koreans communicated and traded with other countries over five thousand years of history
  • know about important historical events and cultural relics from each era
  • have gained important learning skills by giving presentations on Korean history
  • be able to relate and compare important events in Korean history to world events of the same period
  • be able to make a Korean history timeline and write his/her own history book
  • be able to apply the knowledge in his/her life


Camp Curriculum

  • Globalized Three Kingdoms: The story of the three kingdoms that were connected and communicated with the world through the Silk Road and sea routes. (실크로드와 뱃길을 통해 세계와 연결했던 삼국의 이야기)
  • World-class Printing Country, Goryeo: The story of Goryeo's world-class printing technology that allowed its people to read many books (책을 읽는 백성을 만들 수 있었던 세계적인 인쇄술을 가진 나라 고려의 이야기)
  • Land of Scholars, Joseon: The story of Joseon's Confucian scholars who influenced the Joseon people's lives (조선인들의 사고와 생활에 큰 영향을 미친 성리학과 선비들의 이야기)
  • Timeline of Korean history: Make a timeline of Korea's five thousand year old history with important historical figures and compare it with other events in history. (한민족의 5 천년 역사와 그속의 중요 인물을 학습하고, 세계사의 주요 부분과 연결하여 하나의 타임라인으로 엮어보며 나누는 이야기)
  • Korea tomorrow: Our proud story of Korea and insight about Korea reunification (자랑스러운 대한민국 그리고 통일된 대한민국을 위한 우리의 이야기)



  • Two hands-on projects to learn about each kingdom
  • Compare Korean and world history
  • Student presentation about each kingdom
  • Opening and closing ceremony


Camp Leaders’ Qualifications

Those wanting to volunteer as a camp leader can submit an application form.

  • 8th grade and above
  • Job Description: As a team leader, you will supervise team members, model appropriate behavior, assist camp preparation and group activities, lead a group presentation and make a short presentation about the daily group activities each day.
  • Submit an application form by May 6, 2013
  • Prior participation in previous workshops or history fairs preferred
  • Mandatory three training sessions (August 3rd 2:00~4:00pm)
  • Special benefit for camp leaders: volunteer hours,  a certificate and scholarship after the camp
  • Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 408-209-8394
  • Fee: $220 (regular camp fee)

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