·         Introduction:

Ask students to recall what they already know about World War II. Focus their brainstorming on events in Asia and Japan’s role. Discuss Japan’s invasion and control of Korea and, if necessary, provide students with background reading. You may need to re-visit historic events such as Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima.

·         General Questions:

a.     How does Sun-hee see things differently then Tae-yul?

b.    How do roles for boys and girls differ in this time and place?

c.     Why do you think the author chose to use young adults to narrate instead of adults?

d.    Why did the author choose to use two narrators? What effect does this have?

·         Questions about Culture:

Throughout the novel we learn of examples of the Japanese imperial government working to change and control Korean culture. Encourage students to think about how and why they did this and how Koreans reacted.

a.     How do Sun-hee and her family secretly preserve their culture? Why is this so important to them?

b.    Why does the imperial government try to extinguish Korean culture? Why do they see it as dangerous?

c.     How do people transmit culture from generation to generation? What role do institutions and government play in transmitting culture?

·         Questions about Courage and Responsibility

Two of the recurring themes in this novel are courage and responsibility. Encourage students to think about how each character exhibits both traits in different ways.

a.     How does Abuji balance his responsibility to his family and his heritage?

b.    Who do you think is the most courageous character? Why?

c.     Does Tae-yul live up to his responsibilities as a son and a brother?

d.    How does Omoni show courage?

·         Questions about Rebellion and Resistance

Encourage students to think about how difficult it was for Koreans to resist the demands of the Japanese imperial government.

a.     Is Uncle’s resistance work worth the risk? Why?

b.    How do the different characters silently resist Japanese control?

c.     Should Abuji have done more to rebel against the Japanese?

·         Extension

Conclude discussion of the novel with a return to discussion of historic events. Review the conclusion of World War II and the division of Korea along the 38th parallel.

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