The third day of the 2014 YKAA Summer camp was even more fun and exciting. Teacher JeongEum lectured about today’s theme, “Before and After the Korean War.” She reviewed the previous day’s lecture and then talked about the background of Korean War and the situation after the liberation from Japan around Korean peninsula.

She talked about the process of the Korean War with big Korean Map. The campers put the name cards of cities and major rivers on the map. Korean War historical figures were introduced with their pictures. The leaders presented each figure and did role plays. The figures were President Truman, General MacArthur, General Dean, General Walker, President Eisenhower and Korean-American Colonel Young-Oak Kim.

Lastly she mentioned about the consequence of the Korean War such as human damage, property damage and Korea-US Alliance. She also lectured the postwar recovery such as dispatching nurses and miner to Germany, New Village Movement, Han River Miracle, 1988 Seoul Olympic, Hallyu and so on.


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